Friday, September 3, 2010

Registration for the 2011 Race season is here.

Please go to and register for the 2011 ZVRC season.

The cost is a flat $25.00 and there should be no additional fees on your card. And, to quote the SOAPBOXER (Shane Cunico)

"Memberships this year will be $25.00. These are funds to support the
team, buy the annual USAC license, pay fees for the races we sponsor,
etc. After sponsorship is finalized, there WILL be additional
benefits from being a member, but at this time, we cannot, with any
degree of certainty, describe what they will be.

Once the membership drive period is over (about the same date as the
jersey order), no other FULL Memberships will be available. What does
that mean? It means that anyone joining the club after that date will
not receive the same benefits as the members that do so before that
date. It is a simple matter of economics. Once we know what
sponsorship we have, we want to help out the members in the best way
we can, and it will not be fair to have folks join, just because of
the bennies. We want team members who want to be a full and
enthusiastic member of the club, not someone looking for a handout.
We are a racing club, you are encouraged (though not required) to

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