Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting Heaterized

Starting this Wednesday (with the luck of the Irish) ZVRC will begin the Heater Season. The team participates in a race pace training ride that is designed to help with developing some intensity to coincide with the endurance that has been building up for the past few months.  Below are the rules of da' HEATAH -- thanks Shane

Ride time is departure time.  To the second on the GPS.

This is a DROP Ride!!!  The intent is to simulate race effort.  We
don't wait on flats, cracked riders, or bad tactics.

Do your share.  Make friends.

If you don't know the route and are on the front...don't be surprised
if you turn around and are alone.

NO AEROBARS!  This is not anything but a safety and fairness issue.
If you feel you have to use them, cool, just not on the Heater.  If
you use them, you are on your own.

Pacelines.  If you are not totally comfortable in the paceline/
echelon, sit on the back.  Better to learn, than cause a wreck.

Effort.  If you are so cracked that you cannot ride in the paceline,
learn to ride on the back of the rotating group.  No shame in it.
When you are strong enout to pull without causing issues, come on in.
(I'll take all the help I can get).

No training ride is worth a wreck..Be careful, be courteous,
and ....have fun.  "(sort of)

1 comment:

  1. On the sitting one thing - it's one thing if you are cracked, it's another if you are just sitting on to finish strong. Look, the best way to win a race is in a breakaway off the front, but you will never BE off the front if you never GO off the front. Don't be timid, don't be afraid to attack. You have to make the opportunities for your success. Aggressiveness pays off in bike racing.
